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13개의 게시물이 등록되어 있습니다

공지사항 목록
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 파일
공지 Graduate School Admission Guide of International Master’s Programme in Buddhist Studies(25-1) 학과 관리자 2024-04-24 377
공지 [notice] Dongguk Graduate school of Student Council website 학과 관리자 2024-04-08 353
공지 A Graduate School Orientation Brochure 학과 관리자 2024-03-22 374
공지 [notice] Office of International Students website 학과 관리자 2024-03-20 345
13 2025-1 Information of Leave of absence(1st, 2nd and 3rd) 학과 관리자 2025-01-07 96
12 2025-1 Infromation of Reinstatement(1st and 2nd) 학과 관리자 2025-01-07 82
11 Ganhwaseon Intensive Practice Program Notice 학과 관리자 2024-11-21 102
10 [notice]Information of Leave of absence(1st, 2nd and 3rd) 학과 관리자 2024-06-04 273
9 Guide to the implementation of the general graduate school learner needs survey 학과 관리자 2024-05-24 250
8 [notice]Information on the implementation of online compulsory legal education for 2024 학과 관리자 2024-05-10 277
7 [notice]Guide to participate in project 학과 관리자 2024-05-02 303
6 [notice]Guide to participate in Buddhist Ceremony 학과 관리자 2024-04-26 295
5 Graduate School Admission Guide of International Master’s Programme in Buddhist Studies(25-1) 학과 관리자 2024-04-24 377
4 Guide to the implementation of the general graduate school learner needs survey 학과 관리자 2024-04-23 293